Dear students from VJTI (Diploma)
We are starting a web service for our Diploma students with an access to ON LINE NOTICE BOARD.
We propose to communicate with you through this notice board; so as to have a faster and easier communication with you all. However please note that this is in trial stage at this moment, hence you are still requested to see notice board for ANY OTHER INFORMATION NOT DISPLAYED HERE.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Permission to newly eligible students to attend the classes


No.Dip//2011 16 -9- 2011

Sub: Permission to newly eligible students to attend the classes

This has a reference to the amendment done in eligibility criteria for admission to higher semesters ( Rule 3, Diploma rules R-2009 scheme) in the DipEC meeting dated 30-8-2011 with resolution no DipEC/102/2011.
As per this, a backlog of 5 passing heads in not more than 3 in any one semester is allowed.
Since this decision was taken in first week of September 2011, some students discontinued attending the classes after the result of reexam; under the assumption of old rule ( ie backlog of 3 passing heads)
There are few other students who had not attended the classes from the beginning based on old rule of eligibility. Hence it is requested to all concerned subject teachers to permit these students to attend the classes again BEFORE THE START OF MST ie BEFORE 26-9-2011, and their absenteeism till this date be considered as accepted due to change of rule. In case such students have missed class test ( CT1) due to this reason, the concerned subject teacher is requested to conduct the same as per convenience. In case they have not registered to the semester due to above reason, they must do so prior to MST.
Those students from above case, who do not appear for MST will not be permitted to attend the semester for current academic year.
However, It will be the responsibility of such students to cover the missed portion during this period.
Those students who have not yet applied for scholarship for the above reason are permitted to follow the necessary procedure before 23-9-2011.
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COE Diploma Convener DipEC